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Research for Action

Recent Publications by Research for Action


Homegrown Research: A Guide for School Communities

This work is intended to assist school communities in looking at research and in carrying out their own ‘home-grown’ research projects as a school improvement tool. It begins with materials and understandings drawn from two…


RFA Briefs: Focus on STAR

This RFA newsletter features stories about its Sisters Together in Action Research (STAR) project. It also includes ‘Friendship, Sexuality, and Power: Girls in Adolescence,’ a synopsis of Suzanne Blanc’s dissertation, She Thinks She’s Bad, and…


Educational Vouchers – Facts, Figures, and a Summary of the Research

Educational vouchers have gained increasing currency in recent months as a potential school reform strategy in Pennsylvania. Both Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates have publicly endorsed vouchers in some form, and the Pennsylvania legislature has expressed interest…


School Closings Policy

The nation’s largest school districts have increasingly turned to building closures to address budget deficits, demographic shifts, and the movement of students to charter schools. This PACER Issue Brief examines school closings policy.


Teacher Effectiveness: The National Picture and Pennsylvania Context

This first-in-a-series issue brief poses questions and provides research-based answers on teacher evaluation systems – a top priority of legislators during the fall 2011 legislative session. It provides a summary of research and emerging practices…


LDC’s Influence on Teaching and Learning

RFA has been studying LDC since its inception in 2010. With the support of the Gates Foundation, RFA has been examining the implementation of LDC, as well as the context and conditions necessary for scaling…


Characteristics of Schools Under Diverse Providers 2002-2003

This two-page center spread article presents a chart with information about each of the managers assigned schools after the state takeover of Philadelphia public schools, with the exception of Chancellor Beacon, whose contract for 2003-2004…


MDC’s Influence on Teaching and Learning

RFA has been studying MDC since its inception in 2010. With the support of the Gates Foundation, RFA has been examining the implementation of MDC, as well as the context and conditions necessary for scaling…


Reframing Accountability for Urban Public Schools

Based on their research with community-organizing groups, Eva Gold and Elaine Simon from Research for Action and Chris Brown from the Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform describe four strategies for building public accountability…


Issue Brief: Higher Education Accountability

There is broad agreement that a postsecondary education is more important than ever. But college costs are rising while funding levels are dwindling. This PACER Issue Brief examines the issue of higher education accountability and…


Issue Brief: Performance Pay for Teachers

This PACER Issue Brief–the third in a series–examines alternative teacher compensation models, specifically pay for performance. It builds on the series’ first brief on teacher effectiveness to provide context, identify challenges, and answer questions about…


Private Sector Involvement in Urban School Reform: Emerging Themes

Increasingly, the private sector (both for-profit and non-profit) is providing resources and alternative delivery models for urban public schools. Nowhere is the engagement of private sector alternatives more extensive than in Philadelphia, which, in the…


Issue Brief: School District Portfolio Management

In Philadelphia, an ambitious effort to restructure the district has been proposed. The draft Blueprint for Reforming Philadelphia’s Public Schools, released in April 2012, sets two distinct goals: 1) Safe, high-performing schools district-wide; and 2)…
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