Recent Publications by Chris Brown

A New Conception of Parent Engagement: Community Organizing for School Reform
This chapter provides an indicators framework for understanding the contributions of community organization to school reform and a theory of change model that shows the link between school improvement and the work community organizing groups…
Looking for Indicators of the Impact of Community Organizing for School Reform
This report series, produced through the Education Organizing Indicators Project, presents a methodology for documenting the contribution of community organizing to school reform. The Project stemmed from the perceived need to make the positive impact…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Appendix: Case Studies
The appendix brings together the five case studies of community organizing groups carried out as part of the Indicators Project on Education Organizing. Each report describes the background and context of the organization’s work and…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Case Study: Alliance Organizing Project
The Alliance Organizing Project (AOP) is a Philadelphia-based, single-issue parent organizing group with the goal of making parents and families ‘full partners’ in public school reform. AOP was formed in 1995 as a component of…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Case Study: Austin Interfaith
Austin Interfaith, founded in 1985, is a multi-issue group made up of forty-five religious congregations, schools, and other institutions. Austin Interfaith is an affiliate of the Texas Industrial Areas Foundation Network, which developed the Alliance…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Case Study: Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA), started in the early 1960s, is a multi-issue organization with a diverse constituency reflecting the make-up of this racially and economically varied neighborhood. LSNA’s work is guided by a Holistic…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Case Study: New York ACORN
ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a nation-wide, multi-issue organization composed of neighborhood-based chapters that organize communities to advance the interests of low- and moderate-income families. Its areas of emphasis include…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Case Study: Oakland Community Organizations
Oakland Community Organizations (OCO) is composed of several dozen faith-based organizations whose congregants participate in OCO through the religious institution to which they belong. Affiliated since its inception with the Pacific Institute for Community Organizing…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Successful Community Organizing for School Reform
This report, the overview document for the report series ‘Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools,’ presents a process for documenting the contributions of community organizing to improving schools through an Indicators Framework for Education Organizing. The Indicators…
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: Successful Community Organizing for School Reform – Executive Summary
This one-of-a-kind research project documents the results that empowered parents achieve in improving academic achievement and in strengthening community capacity.
Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools: The Education Organizing Indicators Framework: A User’s Guide
This guide is designed to help foundation program officers, educators and organizers understand and use the Education Organizing Indicators Framework to understand and advance the work of community organizing for school reform. The guide first…
Bringing Community Organizing into the School Reform Picture
Community organizing is growing in importance as a means of achieving and sustaining urban school reform. The authors identify eight distinct areas in which community organizing groups are connecting community capacity to school improvement. Leadership…