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Please Touch Museum Kindergarten Readiness Experience

Began in July 2023

The transition to kindergarten marks a significant developmental milestone for both children and families. Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum (PTM) aims to support this transition through the Kindergarten Readiness Experience (KRE), a program to foster the social-emotional skills required for a smooth and successful adjustment to kindergarten.

RFA has partnered with the museum to evaluate the program. The evaluation seeks to understand how the KRE program supports kindergarten readiness, documenting the perceived impact of the program through interviews with participant families, teachers of KRE graduates, and PTM staff.

The KRE program is a targeted kindergarten readiness program serving families in the West Philadelphia community. With a focus on inclusivity and accessibility, the program embeds a culturally responsive curriculum into social-emotional skill development to prepare children and their families for kindergarten. This project documents the perceived benefits of this approach, contributing to the broader knowledge base on school readiness programs.