Recent Publications by Kathleen M. Shaw

Affordability, Access, Success: A Framework for Examining Statewide College Promise Programs
Are statewide college Promise programs an effective way to increase college access and success? It’s hard to say. While these programs are becoming more common, they vary widely along a number of dimensions. RFA’s new…
Comments Regarding the Civil Rights Data Collection
Comments on behalf of Research for Action, a Philadelphia-based, nonprofit education research organization, regarding the Civil Rights Data Collection from the U.S. Department of Education.
Examining OBF Policy Implementation and Student-Level Effects in Tennessee, Ohio, and Indiana
From 2014-2016, Research for Action (RFA) conducted a comparative, mixed methods study in Indiana, Tennessee and Ohio to: examine OBF state-level policy formation and implementation; explore institutional-level implementation and identify contextual factors that affect it;…

Implementation and Impact of Outcomes-Based Funding in Tennessee
Outcomes-based funding (OBF) is a term used to define state and system-level higher education funding policies linking public higher education dollars to key student outcomes such as credit completion, retention and graduation (Snyder, 2016). Outcomes-based…

Implementation and Impact of Outcomes-Based Funding in Indiana
Outcomes-based funding (OBF) is a term used to define state and system-level higher education funding policies linking public higher education dollars to key student outcomes such as credit completion, retention and graduation (Snyder, 2016). Outcomes-based…
Summary of OBF Impact on Student Outcomes in Tennessee and Indiana
From 2014-2016, Research for Action (RFA) worked closely with state officials in Tennessee and Indiana to obtain, verify, and analyze data obtained from Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) to determine the impact of each state’s…

From Policy to Practice: Tracing the Development and Implementation of Placement and Diagnostic Assessment across States, Systems, and Community Colleges — Phase 2 Report
National initiatives to raise K-12 standards and align them to postsecondary entrance requirements have prompted states and/or state postsecondary systems to enact policies to improve alignment among postsecondary readiness standards, postsecondary placement and diagnostic exams,…